Open Submissions:
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Things to know before submitting:
Please read the general submission policy and guidelines below carefully before submitting. Note that for each publication there may be additional guidelines/information available during submission periods and where applicable these publication specific guidelines will take precedence over the general guidelines below.
General submission policy and guidelines:
1. Submission types
Unless specified, we typically accept all genres; however, our submission periods are often themed. You can send us the following:
- Poetry
- Flash fiction
- Short stories
- Literary essay
- Illustrations
- Artwork
- Photography
We are proud to publish work from our readers globally and encourage for work from a diverse collection of backgrounds, perspectives, and styles.
We do not publish depictions of graphic sex or violence, racial epithets, or gratuitous profanity.
2. Submission periods and response time:
2.1. Submission periods
tpsg. Publishing accepts submissions during the following periods:
- Autumn : Sept-October
- Spring: March-April
Please note that before each period, a theme is announced for the period. Preference is given to pieces that follow the theme. Other pieces are still quite welcome but will not be guaranteed for publishing.
We release any submissions that we do not use and do not automatically roll them over to the next period.
2.2. Response times
Our response time varies from four to twelve weeks, with the slowest times usually occurring outside of regular submission periods. Please be patient with our response. Shortlisted submissions will be announced on our website and our socials.
3. Submission guidelines and formatting
Please keep these guidelines in mind before completing the submission form:
3.1. Submission guidelines
- Submissions will ONLY be accepted through the submission form on our website (
- Maximum of 1 work(s) per submission.
- Maximum word length 1500 words for written submissions.
- Editorial discretion will be used to balance poetry, essay, short story, flash fiction, visual art and photography.
- When filling out the form contributors are asked to provide their name for records but can also provide an alias or pseudonym if preferred. Instagram and other socials along with an email address are also required. It is considered a good practice to include the same in your document (at the top).
- Contributors are asked to include a brief biographical note with their submissions.
3.2. Formatting guidelines
- Use Times New Roman, 12 Point, black.
- Use 8.5×11 page size, with 1-inch margins on all sides and text aligned left.
- Prose should be double-spaced.
- Poetry should be single-spaced.
- Indent paragraphs by 1/2 inch, and ONLY one space between sentences.
- Sequential page numbering to be only at bottom right.
- All written work shall be submitted in editable document format such as Microsoft Word Document.
- All artworks shall be submitted as a high-resolution (min. 1920×1080) scanned/digital image file such as PNG or JPEG.
- Photographs of paintings and other art will not be accepted.
4. Terms of reference
4.1. Fees
tpsg. Publishing is a space for writers and artists with the ambition of encouraging good literary work. However, for certain submissions, we do charge a fee, which helps cover the basic administrative costs related to receiving, reading, and responding to submissions.
- Submission fees are non-refundable except in the instance of an author inadvertently making a duplicate payment for a submission or when a refund may be granted by the magazine at its discretion in regard to a technological, administrative, or related issue.
- Please note that the fees do not guarantee acceptance of your work.
4.2. Original work
- By submitting your work, you agree that your work is not copied: tpsg. Publishing bears no responsibility of copyright issues for third-party concerns; any type of legal/copyright issues arising as a result will be your sole responsibility.
- tpsg. Publishing provides no monetary compensation for published submissions. Unless it is published as a part of an advertised competition.
- We do not retain any publishing rights to your works. Your work will remain yours and can be removed from the website as per your decision anytime. However, printed work cannot be removed until the current edition is superseded.